Believe it or not, we humans can learn to love all weather. Join us for Weather Shamanism and begin to form trust and right relationship with the compassionate spirits of weather. The blessings will flow!
Think about it, we are completely embedded within the atmospheric ocean of the weather spirits. They flow into us with each breath we take. And we share our essence with them as we exhale. This degree of intimacy and interconnectedness calls out for heart-based relationship and collaboration.
Okay, how do we do this? Actually, these natural forces have consciousness that can be accessed through shamanic journeying. Sometimes we journey to and with our compassionate weather spirit allies and sometimes we seek wisdom and knowledge from the spirits of particular weather systems and patterns. And at other times we ask our weather allies for guidance and help with healing or resetting fields of distress or trauma in a specific location if we have the consent of the spirit of the place we are hoping to help.
I genuinely love all of the workshops I teach, but honestly this workshop is particularly near and dear to my heart. Due to the all-pervasive nature of weather it’s almost impossible to grasp the depths these relationships can reach through words. I invite you to join us in July to see for yourself as you begin to build your own experiences and relationships with these wonderful beings.
Dates of Workshop:
July 26th - 27th, 2025, including Saturday evening (July 26th). Also, an opportunity to work with the Windhorse Weather Circle on Sunday afternoon (July 27th).
Price: $360
Non-residential. Teas, water and great snacks provided.
A good working relationship with at least one compassionate spirit guide
Group Size:
Maximum: 9 students
The workshop will be held in a spiritual retreat cabin in Pownal on 48 private conservation acres that have received and facilitated shamanic work for over twenty years.
Cancellation Policy:
Due to the small number of participants the fee for the training will only be refunded if your vacated seat is filled at least two weeks before the training. Should Windhorse Circle need to cancel the training for any reason, you will receive a full refund.
Covid Policy:
More Information
Over our weekend together you will
- Learn about weather shamanism and how it can become a powerful spiritual and healing practice
- Connect with a compassionate weather spirit ally
- Help others find a weather spirit ally
- Connect with an ancestral guide who is in right relationship with the weather spirits
- Find practical solutions to Middle World problems through cloud divination
- Journey safely to learn about an ancient weather deity
- Learn weather songs
- Connect with a Rainmaker guide who is in right relationship with the spirits of weather and place
- Participate in a land healing with the Windhorse Weather Circle (we’re in our 16th year of doing this work)
Who might benefit from this workshop?
- Anyone concerned about intense weather systems and climate change
- Anyone who loves the Earth
- Anyone who wants to expand their awareness of the elements
- Anyone seeking a unique and satisfying spiritual practice (working with a Rainmaker guide can bring us into a heart-centered experience of animism that can dissolve a purely human-centric view and unite us with all consciousness)
- Anyone seeking unique ways to reset distressed areas of place
- Anyone who wants a fun, meaningful weekend in the Maine woods learning how to more deeply connect with atmospheric Nature
I want to thank Nan Moss and David Corbin for introducing me to this beautiful practice and also for encouraging me and other students of theirs to create our own weather circles. It has been a joy and a privilege to deepen my connection to these powerful, compassionate spirits over the last seventeen years.
We’re an important part of Nature. When we give awareness and attention to the elements of Nature, it raises the awareness of both. Eckhardt Tolle
Wind and Rain and Mist and Dew, Thunder and Lightning, Rainbow, too. Weather Spirits all we welcome you. Weather Spirits all we welcome you. This is a song my weather spirit allies gave me years ago when I asked how I might honor them.